For the love of food! By Sanjana Kumar

Food is not just a word, not something we just eat everyday but it is an emotion! The feeling of having that first bite after all that time of hunger and craving for food is not just happiness, it’s much more! Food is something that makes me feel like myself, helps me embrace my emotions and enjoy the happiness of being with me and myself only. Food is something that is common to all the people in the world. People with different tastes can try different cuisines and much more! That’s the best part of food! Some people like specific cuisines but other people like me, love every single kind of food you could ever find! Some people say having a lot of food is wrong, not good for health but people never think about how it’s always good for your heart! The happiness, the joy, the love you have for the food, all of that put together is what you call, FOOD. For some people, food is just food, but for others it means much more! For some people, food is therapy, it helps them get through all their life problems with one bar of chocolate, or an entire packet of biriyani. So what i’m trying to say is, food doesn’t always only help us physically, sometimes it helps us emotionally and we don’t seem to realize that! Thank you for all that therapy, FOOD :).

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