My favourite travel destination by Ishaan.k

Finland is my favorite travel destination; especially in winter. I love going there because it snows a lot and we can play in the snow for a long time . The food there is also so good. In Finland every vacation I go to a place called rovaniemi. This area is just on the arctic circle. Also known as Lapland, there are many tourist attractions, restaurants, and hotels. When I go to Finland, I stay at a place called Santa Claus village. There, there are many cabins; so many that you may need a van to get to your room! At the end of all the 200 cabins there, is a house. There are 2 houses and it takes five minutes to get there. I have been there once, but it does not give the cabin (cozy) feeling to me. There are also sledges with a rope there. A person can sit on the sledge while the other person pulls the sledge on the snow. That was a very fun experience. Before all those cabins start, there are two restaurants that the village offers; the three elves; which you need to pay extra for and the other one which comes inclusive. I liked the normal one because the food there was very nice and tasty. The food there was so different in Finland after eating Indian food my whole life. But the person who liked it the most was my sister. Now she loves western food and always asks for it. She also does not like Indian food. There are playgrounds, offices, and more. The official office of Santa Claus is also located here, in Lapland. I went there once and visited the actual Santa Claus. There is also a snowmobile park in Lapland. I actually went ice fishing, went riding on a snowmobile with my parents and actually rode my own small snowmobile by myself. Those times were so fun. The last time I went on a holiday there was on feb 2020. I hope to go there again.

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