MYP Design PCUP 2023 May – Living together in a highly interconnected world

MYP Design PCUP 2023 May – Living together in a highly interconnected world

Globalcontext:Globalization and sustainability
Statementofinquiry:Effective collaboration can be enhanced through design in a highly interconnected world.
Inquiry questions
Factual:What is globalization? What is social sustainability? What methods do we use to connect and collaborate with one another?
Conceptual:Why are global interactions important? How can design improve communication?
Debatable:Is the increase of global interaction a risk?

Summative Assessment

The student produces an ePortfolio that follows the design cycle to develop a solution (or range of solutions) which promotes community connection.
The student must target one of the following audiences/clients:
● School community
● Local community
● A digital communituny

Suggested solutions may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas:
● The redesign of a school space or community space that allows for connection and collaboration
● Furniture design which facilitates face to face connection (must include the room design and how the furniture is allocated)
● A multi-player board game that allows for connection

● A physical or virtual object that facilitates team-building
● A virtual space that allows for purposeful connection (gaming, study group space, virtual meeting space, etc.)
● Virtual travel
o A virtual tour of your school for prospective new students
o A virtual tour or experience for visitors / travellers
● A virtual platform
o to connect / exchange / interact for people with similar interests
o for IB Student Projects (PYP Exhibition, MYP Personal Project, DP Extended Essay)
● A culinary event
o A community cooking class event (in person or virtual)

What is MYP Design Cycle?

The MYP Design Cycle is a systematic approach to problem-solving and design thinking. It consists of four stages: Inquiring and Analyzing, Developing Ideas, Creating the Solution, and Evaluating. Let’s dive into each stage:

  1. Inquiring and Analyzing:
  • Identify the problem or design task you need to address.
  • Conduct research to gather information and understand the context.
  • Analyze existing products or solutions related to your design task.
  • Consider the needs and wants of the end-users.
  1. Developing Ideas:
  • Generate multiple ideas and possible solutions to the problem.
  • Explore different design possibilities and approaches.
  • Use brainstorming techniques to stimulate creativity.
  • Consider factors like functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
  1. Creating the Solution:
  • Select the most suitable design idea based on your analysis.
  • Develop a detailed plan or blueprint for your solution.
  • Apply relevant design principles and processes.
  • Choose appropriate materials, tools, and techniques.
  1. Evaluating:
  • Test the prototype or solution you have created.
  • Collect feedback from users and stakeholders.
  • Reflect on the strengths and limitations of your design.
  • Identify areas for improvement and possible modifications.

By following the MYP Design Cycle, you can engage in a systematic design process that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Remember to document each stage of the cycle to maintain a record of your design journey. Happy designing!

Relationship between summative assessment tasks and statement of inquiry:

Criteria A:

Within Criterion A, the student selects a target audience/client from the
options above and will analyse and inquire into:
● the need for a solution
● the identification and prioritization of primary and secondary
● existing products that inspire a solution.
Students will also:
● create a design brief which reflects the analysis of their research with
reference to the global context and statement of inquiry.

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