What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence generally refers to a software system that makes decisions which require human level of expertise. AI systems are adaptive, intelligent and work intentionally towards performing a specific task programmed or designed by humans. 

Lets understand each of its quality with simple examples


Just like humans have intentions behind their action, AI systems also demonstrate intentionality by performing actions with a specific goal in mind. 

For example, imagine a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. It is programmed to clean the floors when the ‘CLEAN’ button is pressed. Here, the goal or intention of the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner is to detect and clean dirt from the floor.


AI uses data and algorithms for analysis and it gradually improves its accuracy. So, it can perform tasks that require human cognitive ability.

For example, imagine an AI powered language translation app. With an input in one language, it can translate it in another language. 

This translation system can improve over time through machine learning by analysing more inputs and user interactions for better translations.


AI systems can learn and adapt as they make decisions. 

For example, when we shop online,  AI algorithms get adapted to our preferences. AI systems can adjust its recommendation on the basis of frequent searches and browsing to show items that align with our interests.

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